Wednesday, January 13, 2010


the peas might congeal
drop them in bit by bit

sometimes It’s not so easy

not to fry up clumpy shit


frozen peas (about 1 or 1.5 cups)
1 cup beer (you were supposed to use a light beer. all i had was a bell's two hearted, which is an IPA, so i wound up having to use a bit more than a cup to get a reasonably liquid batter. worked out fine though)
1 cup flour
some canola oil


1. mix beer with flour to make tempura batter.
2. heat canola oil in a pot until almost boiling.
3. dip peas in tempura batter. fish them out with a slotted spoon and your fingers. drop them, one or two at a time, into the hot oil.
4. don't stand too close to the peas as they deep-fry. really! the hot oil splashes when you drop the peas in and it could burn you or stain your t-shirt.

5. remove peas from oil with slotted spoon.
6. serve with soy sauce.

i thought this recipe was going to be disgusting, but once i added the soy sauce, it was hard to stop snacking on these peas!

if / when i make it again, i would add wasabi powder to the batter to add some spice. as it was, the peas were a little sweet and bland. the soy sauce helped, though.

make up your own words in your head: